
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Rethinking downtown Indy's interstate highway system
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
Sunday Nov 18, 2018
A coalition of downtown businesses, homeowners and organizations is advocating a two-level highway system for the north, east and south legs of interstates 65 and 70—the so-called inner loop in downtown Indianapolis.
The proposal from Rethink 65/70 comes as state transportation officials move forward with a planned reconstruction of the north-split interchange — a project Rethink leaders hope can be done with their below-grade highway plan in mind.
IBJ Podcast host Mason King talks with Rethink member Paul Knapp, the CEO of Young & Laramore, about the group's proposal. Then he talks with Indiana Department of Transportation spokesman Scott Manning and Kia Gillette, an environmental project manager at HNTB, about whether the state will consider Rethink's ideas.
Learn more about the Rethink 65/70 proposal with this IBJ story by reporter Susan Orr.